michael shannon is back

Nerds! This Friday night, January 9, I'll be with Michael at the Cabaret Metro, performing a set of Lou Reed songs (all VU-era). Our Blue Mask show last summer at the Hideout seems to have spawned this odd sideline. As Mike takes a deep dark dive into the mind and words of L.R., as only he can (he's a more than capable vocal technician and a brilliant interpreter), Jason Narducy, Alex Hall, Grant Tye, and I will be floating alongside on our vessels of metal and wood. (Apologies to Scott Stevenson, who was with us at the Hideout -- there aren't keyboards on these songs, and there isn't much money at the Metro either.) If you like Loaded, Country Love Songs, and My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done...but now I'm addressing no one. Just come on out.